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About Hindu Dharma Chakram


The Hindu Dharma Chakram Seva Samithi is a religious service organization established in 2012 and registered in 2020 (579/2020). The organization's objectives include the promotion of Sanatana Dharma, opposing events against Sanatana Dharma (highlighted on TV9 in the role of Narada), preservation of the Vedas, protection of cows, conservation of ancient temples, and providing relief during adverse situations like natural disasters (e.g., COVID-19, earthquakes, tsunamis).
Additional goals involve supporting individuals associated with Sanatana Dharma economically, conducting yagnas for the welfare of the world, preserving ancient scriptures, promoting Vedic education online, organizing pilgrimage trips, propagating religious texts, publishing calendars, and conducting online Vedic classes and auspicious ceremonies.
Key Organizer: Srikanth Sharma, Hyderabad, India.